Using fdisk make 'Sun disklable'
- fdisk /dev/sdb
- s (create new empty Sun disklable)
- d (delete (linux) partitions)
- l (list known partition types)
Something like:
- /dev/sdb1.......0....279...140616..2..SunOS root
- /dev/sdb2..u..279....580...151704..3..SunOS swap
- /dev/sdb3.......0..17660..8900640..5..Whole disk
- /dev/sdb7.....580...1629...528696..4..SunOS usr
- /dev/sdb8....1629..17660..8079624..8..SunOS home
To mount sdb8 :
- mount /dev/sdb8 /mnt -t ufs -o ufstype=sun,ro
'New HDD' in USB-Drawer (e.g. 'sdb').Using fdisk or gparted or .... make same number and type of partitions as for 'p.table.txt' just biger in size and set the bootable flag.Restore partitions:- drescue /mnt/hdd2/bkup/sdb_1.img /dev/sdb1
- drescue /mnt/hdd2/bkup/sdb_2.img /dev/sdb2
- drescue /mnt/hdd3/bkup/sdb_1.img /dev/sdb3
Restore MBR just not the table (different disks - different tables)- dd if=/mnt/hdd2/bkup/mbr.img of=/dev/sdb count=1 bs=446
Check it:
ddrescu with some 'live-cd' (e.g. 'INSERT')Hdd to rescue/backup is in USB-Drawer (e.g. 'sdb').Where to backup (e.g. ntfs 'hdd2/bkup/')Mount 'where to backup' :- ntfs-3g /dev/hdd2 /mnt/hdd2
Copy-paste sdb-part.-table to some text-file (e.g. 'p.table.txt') :- fdisk /dev/sdb
- p (to 'print' the table)
- copy, paste and save to '/mnt/hdd2/bkup/p.table.txt'
MBR backup :- dd if=/dev/sdb of=/mnt/hdd2/bkup/mbr.img count=1 bs=512
Partitions backup (not a whole disk) :- ddrescue /dev/sdb1 /mnt/hdd2/bkup/sdb_1.img
- ddrescue /dev/sdb2 /mnt/hdd2/bkup/sdb_2.img
- ddrescue /dev/sdb3 /mnt/hdd2/bkup/sdb_3.img
If it's to big :- ddrescue /dev/sdb1 | gzip -9 > /hdd2/bkup/sdb_1.img.gz
Check it :- mkdir /mnt/1
- losetup /dev/loop3 /mnt/hdd2/bkup/sdb_1.img
- fsck /dev/loop3 (? not sure)
- mount -t ext3 /dev/loop3 /mnt/1/
- umount /dev/loop3
- losetup -d /dev/loop3